Community in a Circle

I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm all about creating relationships with my students is so important to me. Without relationships, you really won't get their best academic abilities. I have another whole class activity. This one is from Celecia: Fostering Relationships in the Classroom . As you scroll down on this link. You will find the passing the pom-pom activity. The students sat in a circle. Each student was given a spoon. They needed to pass the pom-pom without it dropping on the floor. After telling the students how to play. We also talked about when a student drops the pom-pom it is a little problem. We all say "aww man" and then move on. It is important for the students to understand we are all in this game together. If someone drops it, we all have to start over. It is a whole group game. It was fun. Trickier than I thought it would be for them. But we had a great time! :) It was ...