Dysfunctional Families Are the Best Kind of Families

 We are FAMILY!

First, if this blog is anything. I want it to show you that clearly teaching isn't thinking about new ideas all the time. If that is who you are, awesome, good for you! Not me...there are resources out there and teachers to use.  USE THEM! 

Any who...my classroom is my family. A dysfunctional one yes but that is the best kind! This family is warm, friend, chaotic, has each other's backs, happy, sad, kind, and LOVED

Amanda Thompson's TPT Store has the CUTEST back to school activities. Really anytime of the year she has it.  But I love this activity: Our Class is a Family. First graders are visual.  I can saw we are family but they understand until they SEE it. 

First read this story: Our Class is a Family by: Shannon Olson.  This story has an amazing message where it explains how a classroom is a family. 

After reading the story the students complete an activity that ends up being a bulletin board and/or classroom book to put in your library.  They color and cut out a house and make it their own.  The students will love reading it during our Work and Play time.  They were so excited about how they actually made a book today! 
