You get a job, you get job (Oprah's voice)

 Another way to build community in your classroom to not show ownership in your classroom. 

        *Don't say: In "my" classroom...

        *Say: In "our" classroom...

In our classroom, every person gets a job. It may take a while to think of a job for everyone student; but if this is our classroom, we all need to pitch in: keeping it clean or helping me with something each day.  

Here is my set up: 

My student's favorite is line leader and teacher helper! Also, if a student doesn't want to do their job that is okay. I don't make them, but I don't give them another job. They will have their job for the week. I will also tell them their job on Monday and I won't remind them during the week.  

I bought this from: Teaching Little Love Bugs. These were simple and editable.  Not every job is going to on here so you can make up your own to fit your classroom. 
