Kindness Circle

This is my favorite thing in the world. The students sit in a circle, and we just talk. That is truly it. We call it the kindness circle because we can only be kind (no laughing at people's ideas or comments) and we always start it with nice things to say about each other. I enjoy the "comments" part because my students are asked to pick other kids in the classroom but their besties. We also talk about how to say a comment. The first time we did this it was just "I like Kyles' shirt" or "Katie has cute shoes". Then we started using "Ann as nice handwriting", and "I like it when Betty plays with my at recess". It turned from materialistic things to heart felt things. I also take this time to get to know my students. Yes, in March I still ask questions to get to know them. Each student grows into a whole new kiddo towards the end of the school year. I ask really random question: favorite color, favorite food, favorite s...