No Screen Time!

 Friday Fun Day! This is the last day before spring break. This post will be short and sweet because...


The Friday boards games have become very successful in my classroom. My students look forward to these board games every week. I've added a new game: Hi Hi Cherry-O! 

Not only is this game going to help with their adding and subtracting skills (put your Kindergarten math level students at this game to start) but it will also help students with their executive functioning skills (all of my Friday blogs details). 

Today's blog Friday fun and one my whys for board games is very basic: NO SCREEN TIME.  Truly get them off the screens.  I know, my students are on screens for educational purposes, I know.  But sometimes screen activate some behaviors in the classroom.  Screens over stimulate children which then sets off some behaviors in the classroom that could distract other students. 

Getting them off the screens for this time will helps student regulate their bodies better during the day. 
