Beanie Baby Toss

This game has nothing to do with the Beanie Baby Breathing blog.  This is a game that involves two (maybe three, depending on your class) beanie babies. 

I get the students into a circle (sitting).  I make sure all the students are touching knees. I don't want to the students to have a bunch of space in between them, nor do I want them on top of each other.  

Once the students are all settled, I tell them the object of the game: watch the beanie baby, don't let it fall.  The students toss the beanie baby in the same order for the game.  Each student will get to catch and throw the beanie bag once.  

The first time we do it together.  We repeat who gets the beanie baby every time we get to the next person.  So, repeat the order 22 times because I have 22 students.  This will help the students remember who got it and the order the beanie baby goes through.  

The first time we do this we only use one beanie baby.  

The second time, we start with one. Once, I see they are comfortable I through another beanie baby and then they have to pay attention to both beanie babies. 

This works on self/body control, staying focused, lengthening attention span, and taking turns.  

This can be tricky and I hope I explained it right.  Let me now if I didn't! 
