Awareness of Our Emotions

First how is the Mindful resource bucket going...
1. We had to talk about how only one student can use it at a time. 
2. You use it for two minutes, then go back to your seat. 
3. No one will use the calming jar, only a teacher can hold it. 
4. Use it only during lessons, not when you are coming back from recess.  

It is going well.  It has been used at the correct times, and the incorrect times.  It is a learning process for us all. 

This week is about being aware of your emotions and how to control them using mindful moments.  After watching the video, we mostly discussed the emotion: mad. My students and I talk about our emotions daily.  We discuss how to control our emotions during the day. The one we struggle with is being mad. 

After watching the video, we discussed that it is okay being mad.  It is going to happen.  I even told them that teachers get mad.  But how we control our anger can be helpful using mindful moments.  I showed them a poster about Labeling Your Thoughts.  After I realized my thoughts are mad or angry and start to take deep breaths.  

We then reviewed all the resources we have in the classroom to help us. We used them all to practice. 
*Calming Jar
*Spike Ball
*Crab Hands
*NEW: Beanie Baby Breathing (Thursday's BLOG!)
