Fun Fridays!!
We added a new game: TROUBLE!
I have six groups: three groups playing trouble, three groups playing trouble. I explain to the students together 10 minutes we will play one game and then we will switch for the next 10 minutes.
Eventually students will start to want to play some games over the other. I always get a piece of paper and write down who plays what game just to make sure all students are getting a change at games.
These Friday blog posts will be one reason why playing boards games is a good idea in your classroom. Today's is: TAKING TURNS AND WAITING YOUR TURN.
Learning patience is so important nowadays. This world has instant gratification and children lose out on learning patience. Board games can help with that. They need to wait for their friend to finish with their turn before they get to go. They will also learn to take turns with more than two people playing with them.
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