Tearin' My Heart
Visuals for a first grade can be really important. When they see it happen, they can learn so much faster and remember whatever they are learning longer. At least that is the hope, right?
I found a great resource: Social Awareness Activities from Proud to Be Primary
Today each student received a heart. They cut out the heart. Then I told them to really pay attention. Review what empathy means and that this heart is our heart inside us. I am going to tell you a story and let see what happens to our heart.
I have them find a spot on the carpet with their hearts. Model what they need to with the heart as you tell the story. I tell them:
*You woke up this morning. You got ready for school, got into the car/bus and realized you forgot you backpack. (Wrinkle the heart)
*You get to school, grab breakfast. Someone accidently pushes you and your . (Wrinkle the heart)
*You get through your morning. You go out for morning recess and someone gets mad at you and hits you. (wrinkle the heart)
*Look at your heart (should be in a ball) how do you think you are feeling right now?
*Students should say: sad, angry, upset
*Let's make our day better. You get to lunch and you get to sit by your best friend and they tell you they like your shirt. (unwrinkle the heart)
*Your teacher gives you a hug during math and tells you, you are doing a great job. (unwrinkle the heart)
*You out for afternoon recess and your friend that hit says I'm sorry.
*Now your heart is all un raveled. But it is still very wrinkled.
*Now you had a great rest of your day, but your heart is still wrinkle. We need to think about this when we are mean or unkind to your friends. Do we want to do this to people's hearts? No, we need to show empathy to others so their heart does look like this.
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