Silent Dynamite

 It is finally time for a blog about the best game I play in my classroom.  The student's love it, I love it.  The kiddos ask to play in ALL. THE. TIME! Seriously, all the time! 

It is so fun.

The students stand in a circle. I like them to be arm distance apart or farther.  They will be throwing a ball so the farther apart the better, but not too far because they are first graders; they can't catch.

So, the students are standing in a circle.  This game is all about SELF CONTROL.  They have to be completely silent: no sounds, noise making, talking...NOTHING! Their body also has to be in control.  The need to be standing tall and still.  

The ball gets thrown back and forth because all of the students. The object of the game is to the be the last person standing. 

They sit down when they...

*don't catch the ball

*throw the ball overhand (I do this because over hand throws are too hard in a classroom)

*make any kind of noise

*body isn't in control 

When the last student is standing, they win! 
